Have you ever considered investing, but you aren’t sure where to start? Maybe you’ve been told that you should save your money to invest in the next big idea, a large corporation, or the stock market. The most popular ways to invest in the financial world are through stocks, equities, and bonds. Many investors’ portfolios are exclusively composed of these types of financial assets. However, solely depending on investing in stocks or jumping into a currently popular investment craze is like throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping that it sticks. Within the stock market, there isn’t a clear path…
What does it take to be in the top 1% in the US? According to the 2021 Knight Frank Wealth Report, roughly $4.4 million. While you might not have that kind of net worth, you can still take a page out of their book when it comes to making investment decisions. Here are a few key points to investing like the top 1%: Their portfolios are diversified. According to this article from Yahoo Finance, “In addition to holding 61 percent U.S. equities (stocks), the top one percent typically has 12 percent cash, 11 percent allocated to real estate, 6 percent…
It’s no secret that I love sharing why real estate investing (specifically buying in Belize) is a great option when it comes to diversifying your financial portfolio. I also enjoy sharing advice and tips I’ve learned along the way, so you can be more informed about the options you have to secure your nest egg, and you can allow your money to work for you. Often, we may overlook gold or silver, or you may even believe it’s outdated. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! Gold and silver are real assets with real value, and they can offer…
Recently, we discussed what it means to invest passively in real estate and the benefits of passively investing. If you missed those newsletters, you could view them on our blog page. The ones to review are How to Invest in Private Placements for Busy Professionals and What is Real Estate Syndication and Passive Investing? A more in-depth discussion on this topic is one we recorded with our lawyer, CPA, and a trustee who showed us how to use self-directed IRAs to invest passively. We would love for you to watch that 1-hour webinar here. Since we started talking more about…
The Philip Goldson International Airport is opening October 1, 2020 and as you could guess, flights are fully booked. Many have called us recently and ask if they can come and look at properties. My opinion is that it would be best to wait until the Government of Belize and the Belize Tourism Board have worked out some of the unforeseen kinks. Here’s what we do know about visiting Belize according to the entry requirements at this time. Those with “Business interests will include those visiting to inspect or close on a purchase of property – meaning, those that can show a Purchase agreement, and…