investing in belize

money vs currency

08 Oct: Top Differences Between Money and Currency

Money. Cash. Capital. Funds. Finances. Moola. Currency. There are lots of different words used to define what makes our world go round. We spend money everyday to buy goods and services. We use money to invest in beautiful Belize, travel the world, support our families, and live a fulfilling life. But did you know there is an actual difference between money and currency? Before we get into the differences, let’s review a little history. For the last 3,000 years, money has existed in some shape or form. Before that time, a system of bartering existed, which is the direct trade…

gold and silver or cryptocurrency

13 Sep: Gold and Silver Versus Crypto: Which Is The Better Investment Option?

After the economic recession in 2009, Bitcoin attracted investors who were curious about the possibilities with cryptocurrency and the fact that this emerging asset was comparable to precious metals. Flashforward to current times with the Covid-19 pandemic, and many of us learned the importance of savings and investments. People were disgusted with Wall Street’s manipulation and tired of gambling their money away into the stock market (the disasters of GameStop and AMC come to mind). Real assets seemed more appealing as the days passed, and investors continued to branch out to options that were considered safer, including: > Real estate…

David Kafka belize fire department

09 Sep: David Kafka Recognized for Providing Safety & Protection to Belize Community

Giving back has always been an integral part of who David Kafka is. That’s how the Broker/Owner of RE/MAX 1st Choice Belize and Founder/Director of Caribbean Capital Group LLC, wound up donating multiple firetrucks to his town – and brought his community together in the process. When his small town was left with no working fire trucks, the former firefighter (and RE/MAX Hall of Fame affiliate!) worked tirelessly to help. Read more about this incredible story by visiting the RE/MAX Website!

real estate espresso podcast

04 May: David Kafka Shares Buying in Belize Tips on Real Estate Espresso Podcast

David Kafka recently served as a guest on The Real Estate Espresso Podcast hosted by Victor Menasce. As the Founder & Director of 1st Choice Belize Real Estate and Caribbean Capital Group LLC, David discusses how he helps foreigners who want to own property in Belize. He also talks about what it’s like to own property there and how the economy has survived the pandemic. Watch the full episode now! Subscribe to The Real Estate Espresso Podcast here:​ And, learn more about Victor Menasce,  Learn More about Caribbean Capital Group Can you save money by living in Belize?…

15 Sep: FREE Webinar: All Access Belize

Join David Kafka for a monthly Q&A session on all things belize! Fill out the form below to watch the most recent recording or click here to get on the waitlist for future webinars   Watch now From navigating the airport, to what’s cool to see at the zoo, how to build on the beach, and what’s the best places to eat David has the answers to your questions! David has resided in Belize for over 15 years with his family and is the Broker/Owner for RE/MAX 1st Choice real estate offices in Placencia and Hopkins, and Owner of Caribbean…